
11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know
Forget about precise and thin lines with this method! The pencil I used melted really quickly, and the lines it drew got thicker. Totally not worth it, from my point of view.

Mix your nail polish with cornstarch and you’ll get a matte nail polish.

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know
I mixed some nail polish with cornstarch, and the result I got wasn’t that pretty. My nails were covered with some grainy solution, not even close to what we call a matte nail polish. I think I can still see those microgranules of cornstarch. I don’t think I’ll ever use the tip, and I don’t recommend it to you either.

If you stir eyeshadow and nail polish together, you can get a new color.

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know
We just scraped some eyeshadow onto a plate and stirred in some clear polish. The main problem was stirring the ingredients together until the nail polish dried completely. As a result, we couldn’t get the right texture and there were a lot of specks left. I’ll admit, we used cheap glitter eyeshadow, so the color we got turned out to be a disaster. However, I believe that you can get more decent results if you experiment with different colors. Also, it might be a good idea to use a whole bottle of polish.

You can get a perfectly straight line with a piece of Scotch tape.

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know
It sounds like something really easy to do, doesn’t it? Place a piece of tape on your nail, paint, remove the tape – and there you go! A perfect line. Well, I can assure you – it’s not that easy. I’ve tried this trick again and again, but no luck. Perhaps I did something wrong, so I’m leaving a question mark on this trick.

Use a couple of bobby pins to make your ponytail look better.

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know
Definitely not worth it. No matter which side up or down, those bobby pins hurt my head so badly that I couldn’t stop thinking of them. Who on earth came up with this tip?

If you braid wet hair and blow dry it, you’ll get wavy hair.

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know
I have wavy hair, so to test this trick I had to straighten some of it first. I braided my wet hair and followed the instructions. The photo shows that my natural wavy hair looks way better. The braids didn’t turn into cool waves, and I ended up with dry straw-like hair. So the braid trick didn’t work on me, and I’m guessing it won’t work on any girl with wavy hair.

Bonus: shaving secret hacks

11 Secrets About Popular Beauty Hacks Everyone Needs to Know

1. Shave downward, then upward. It’ll prevent razor bumps and burns.

2. Shave after showering to minimize skin irritation.The steam opens up your pores so you can shave easily.

3. Use hair conditioner instead of shaving cream if you’ve run out.

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