beautyHealth & Fitness

15 Harmful Things You Might Be Doing to Your Skin

To improve your skin health, you don’t have to turn to cosmetologists or spend hours with various masks on your face. You just have to find and eliminate several things that are hiding in our everyday habits.

Clamotion has collected the most common habits that ruin our skin.

15. Using skin care products containing alcohol

15 Harmful Things You Might Be Doing to Your Skin
Many skin care products contain alcohol that dries out our skin.

We recommend: reading the composition of the product. If you have oily or problematic skin, the alcohol content shouldn’t be more than 5%. As for other skin types, it’s better to avoid using lotions and tonics that contain alcohol.

14. Buying creams in jars

15 Harmful Things You Might Be Doing to Your Skin
Many facial creams are stored in jars, but it’s safer to keep them in bottles with dispensing pumps: first, you don’t put your fingers in your cream which prevents bacteria from developing, second, most natural ingredients retain their properties for a longer period of time if stored in closed bottles.

13. Washing with ordinary soap

15 Harmful Things You Might Be Doing to Your Skin
A regular soap dries out our skin.

We recommend: choosing another skin care product (a gel, a tonic, or any other cleanser.) If you use the appropriate product, you won’t experience facial tightness and your skin won’t get oily too fast.

12. Using scrubs

15 Harmful Things You Might Be Doing to Your Skin
Scrub particles damage dry and sensitive skin and clog pores in oily and normal skin. If you have pimples, it’s prohibited to use scrubs.

We recommend: applying face masks if you want to cleanse your skin.

11. Washing your face too often

15 Harmful Things You Might Be Doing to Your Skin
Sometimes, especially in summer, we have the urge to wash our face more often because it makes us feel more fresh in the heat. But in reality, washing your face more than 2-3 times a day irritates your skin. The body starts producing more sebum to protect the skin from drying out. And more oil means that acne may occur.

We recommend: using a light cream with a matte finish. To keep your skin fresh during the day, you can also use matte wipes.

10. Using a towel to dry your face

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