beautyHealth & Fitness

6 Secrets to Look Great for a Special Occasion

Unexpected things happen: a surprise vacation, an old friend’s wedding, your own marriage proposal. So how do we clean our skin and get in shape fast? It seems impossible…

Fret not! Clamotion has collected some tips on what you can do when there’s not much time.

2 weeks. Lose weight.

6 Secrets to Look Great for a Special Occasion
You could lose a few pounds in 2 weeks if you reduce your caloric intake to 1,000-1,100 kcal per day. To do this, fill your diet with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat fish and meat. Due to limited energy intake, stored fats will be burned. Don’t forget to drink at least half a gallon (2 liters) of water a day — this is rule #1 for those who want to lose weight.

1 week. Tighten the waist and improve skin condition.

6 Secrets to Look Great for a Special Occasion
Losing weight in 7 days is possible with 3 types of foods: citrus fruits, pineapple, and protein. Citrus fruits contain large amounts of fruit acids, which dissolve fats and remove them from the body. In addition, vitamin-rich fruits — especially vitamin C-rich — will improve your immunity, skin condition, and overall well-being.

Pineapple is recognized as one of the best slimming products thanks to bromelain, which effectively breaks down fats. Proteins are building blocks for our body, supplying energy. For a full-fledged result, you should forget about carbohydrates and fats for these 7 days.

3 days. Tighten your belly.

6 Secrets to Look Great for a Special Occasion
Several options could help you remove excess fat from your abdominal area. The first: drink 7 oz (200 ml) of carrot and apple (1:1) juice 6 times a day. Not only do these products contain few calories but they also saturate your body with vitamins, beta-carotene, and pectin.

The second option: for breakfast and lunch, prepare a mixture of 1 boiled egg, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, and 1 grated carrot. For dinner, just have green tea without sugar.

2 days. Cleanse your body.

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