As convenient as it may be to remove your makeup while taking a shower, this can actually do more harm than good to your skin’s health. The skin on your face is much more sensitive than the skin on your body, and unless you enjoy taking cold showers, it’s better to keep your face away from the shower head’s stream.
We at Clamotion decided to find out why something as common as washing your face in the shower might be standing between you and perfect skin.
1. It can make acne worse.
Long, hot showers can strip away the natural oils your skin needs to stay healthy and look its best. And if your skin is already dry, washing your face in the shower can only make the issue worse. Applying more moisturizer to relieve the sensation of dryness can eventually make your skin vulnerable to acne and other skin infections.
2. It may affect your skin tone.
3. It may lead to premature wrinkles.
You’ve probably noticed how your fingers can get wrinkly after a long hot shower. This happens because hot water removes moisture from your skin and damages the skin’s protective layer that helps lock in moisture. The same is true for your facial skin which can age quicker if exposed to hot water regularly.
4. It can make healthy skin more sensitive.
July 29, 2021
2,006 2 minutes read
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